Today is March 7, 2025.
Austin Punk/New Wave Family Tree
by Jeff Whittington

Austin Punk/New Wave Family Tree by Jeff Whittington
(Click on image to download 11" x 17" Adobe Acrobat version suitable for printing--1.3 megabytes)

It's hard to sum up an era in one fell swoop, but in 1983, the late Jeff Whittington came pretty darn close with the creation of the Austin Punk/New Wave Family Tree. Published in the September 16, 1983 edition of The Austin Chronicle, this herculean effort was inspired by author Pete Frame's series of rock and roll family trees. (Remember this was created in the days when people didn't have computers.) He admitted that the tree is far from complete and in a subsequent issue of The Chronicle apologized for omitting The Dicks, who he declared in print as "God" on several occasions.

We miss you Jeff!